Category: My Rants

  • 9AM. Already An Odd Day

    I have been having an odd day, and it started before I woke up this morning. Above you see a banjo. No it’s not mine, and no I don’t know how to play one but I had a dream. A dream that for some reason seemed like a nightmare. I woke up all distressed because…

  • Blast From The Past/LeBaron Memorial

    Today marks the five year anniversary of the end of Dead Barron. Dead Barron was the name of my 92 Chrysler Lebarron. I couldn’t find a picture of my car so I found this one on das internet. Picture this…but black. On 7/11/03 I was driving to a 711 with Greg to take advantage of…

  • 4th

    Every year on the 4th my parents and I have always set off fireworks. It’s a fun time, friends and neighbors stop by and drink the night away. Now thinking about that, fireworks and alcohol are not the best mix..but past that. Greg, Kevin, MK and Kate came by (I say that like you should…

  • No Brakes!

    Lay Awake! I don’t give a shit…High Five to whoever knows what I’m talking about. So a couple weeks ago I finally got around to doing my brakes over. A word of advice to those DIYers out there. Never Buy Duralast Parts. My last rotors and pads were from Autozone and they did nothing but…

  • No Trains, No Cabs

    So last Firday I was to go to a ball game with Greg. The game ended up getting rained out so I was to meet some friends at the Tam by the Boston Commons sans Greg. So I took the train to Boylston and had a few….a lot of drinks. I had left my car…