9AM. Already An Odd Day

I have been having an odd day, and it started before I woke up this morning. Above you see a banjo. No it’s not mine, and no I don’t know how to play one but I had a dream. A dream that for some reason seemed like a nightmare. I woke up all distressed because I dreamt I had bought a banjo, and it was righty! GASP! (For those of you who don’t know, I’m left handed.) I have no idea why I was so upset about it. I mean I wasn’t when I woke up, but in my dream I might as well have just been in a car accident. If any of the four people that read this feels like psychoanalyzing this, please do.

Well after that, and on my way into work I see this.

Right on the Route 2 to 95 South merger. This guy was flying so low and so erratic, I could have potatoed him! (Potato ,verb = Naded – Explosion or Potato = Fist Pound(Bump). Potato ≠ Idaho.) And I thought the drivers on the road were bad. To get this picture I had to hang out of my car and look backwards while merging onto 95. Thats just how I roll mother fucker!






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