Blast From The Past/LeBaron Memorial

Today marks the five year anniversary of the end of Dead Barron. Dead Barron was the name of my 92 Chrysler Lebarron. I couldn’t find a picture of my car so I found this one on das internet. Picture this…but black.

On 7/11/03 I was driving to a 711 with Greg to take advantage of the free Slurpy day. On the way in we were being…fucking stupid and yelling at people we drove by. Nothing mean, usually just a very aggressive ‘Hey You!” After…”HeyYouing” someone I turn my head back to the road to see the ass end of a green Camry stopped at a green light. The roads were wet and I was speeding a bit. The brakes locked and I slid into the car. The guy was ok and a pretty nice guy for just getting in a car accident. Needless to say my car was totaled. So to commemorate I was looking for some photos of the car and like stumbling onto an old box in the attic, I found a hard drive I bought a long time ago. I open it up to find backups of stupid old videos Greg and I used to put together when we were going through our CKY stage. Just being teens and destructive is the best description. Also were some old college projects and a large backup of sound effects. So I’ve compressed some of the videos and had to share. Oh So Good, Oh So Stupid We Was.


Piano Head Smash

[flv: 320 240]

Kev and I were playing the piano, apparently I was doing it wrong. And for some reason the video is sped up.


Lebaron AC Pull

[flv: 320 240]

What would you do with an AC and an empty parking lot?


Television Disposal

[flv: 320 240]

A not so Green Company


….I Don’t Know

[flv: 320 240]

Late into a session, Greg decides to record me. The concept is dumb but I can’t help but laugh hysterically at this. Yes it’s me. At the end, you can hear what I think is Greg laughing.


Monitor Disposal

[flv: 320 240]

Du at the wheel, Me with the camera, and Greg has a computer monitor…ROOF DOWN STEP ON THE GAS!






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