No Trains, No Cabs

So last Firday I was to go to a ball game with Greg. The game ended up getting rained out so I was to meet some friends at the Tam by the Boston Commons sans Greg. So I took the train to Boylston and had a few….a lot of drinks. I had left my car at Wellington so I had a nice long train ride home to sober up. Well I’m out with my friends and midnight rolls up and I tell everyone I need to take off in an hour to catch the train. Mace, who lives about ten minutes from me, says her and her two friends visiting from Wisco were going to cab it home. We should instead cab it to Wellington and I could drive us all back. I thought this was a good idea and decided to stay. 12:30 rolls around and like an alzheimers patient forget about our idea and say a quick goodbye to make the train. I got on the Green Line at Boylston and off I go… Arlington. I got on the wrong side. I get off, switch sides and get back on the train. Coply! I got on the wrong side again. I get off again and cross the street to get on the other side again…but it was closed. I then book it to Back Bay Station…to find out the trains are no longer running. So I’m stuck at Back Bay with $4, no money in my checking, and the cabs only take cash. I was going to call some friends but for some reason I didn’t. Either too much pride, cause I’m a moron, or I didn’t want to bother them…cause I’m a moron. So I start walking.

About a half hour into my walk I had to take a leak. So I go next to this photography setup. Some new store was opening and earlier that night they had some professional pictures taken. It was just a bunch of very large lights and some high rise platforms. Half way through a cop passes me…and I don’t mean a cruiser, I mean on foot. I could have shook his hand he was so close to me. So I did the best thing I could do, looked like I work there. I just started moving stuff and looked stressed. He glanced, I gave a nod, and he kept walking. After he was out of sight I quickly left the area. So after looping a few blocks I finally got my bearings and headed toward Storrow Drive. I passed the 711 by the BHP and stole a Home Buyers newspaper from one of the townhouses. I don’t know why but it’s still in my trunk. I got to Storrow and kept walking north. Then I hit the on ramp to 93 and for a brief moment I actually weighed out the odds of being caught by a cop even though my car was only one exit away. I should have walked 93 just to make the story better but I didn’t. I passed the Science Museum and took Memorial Drive. and headed north after Community College. I gut through a Home Depot parking lot and finally made it to Wellington. It took me 3 hours to make the walk. I walked in my door at 4AM. I decided to map out an estimate of my walk. I don’t remember much of the beginning but its roughly close. I walked over six miles that night.


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