
Every year on the 4th my parents and I have always set off fireworks. It’s a fun time, friends and neighbors stop by and drink the night away. Now thinking about that, fireworks and alcohol are not the best mix..but past that. Greg, Kevin, MK and Kate came by (I say that like you should know them) to sit out. Usually it’s a small crowd. We’ve been doing this since 96 and theres never been more than 12 people. The past two years however have been 30+. Whats even better is one of my neighbors brings out some fireworks too. So like I said a good time was had by all, although for “some reason” I ended up passing out at 10:30. I have a feeling it was because I went out Thursday night and didn’t get home until 5 Friday morning, and I was back up at 9. Not sure how I got home. I has a video!

[flv:https://www.flyingninja.com/flv/fireworks_1000.flv 480 360]






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