Tag: awesome

  • The Office Window Sky

  • More Crazy New England Weather

    Unless you were under a rock, which was probably the only safe space to be in last night, you may have noticed we had some crazy weather. Severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hail came rushing into New England around 5 PM last night. My prayers go out to those who were hardest hit in Springfield. Of…

  • My Trip To Maine and AHOP

    Trip To Maine from Chris Carroll on Vimeo. This ain’t no stinkin’ IHOP. I said AHOP damnit! Erin, Steph, Greg and I were in Maine for Ashley and Ben’s wedding which was beautiful. We stayed at the Senator Inn which was decent. But this isn’t about that. This is about AHOP. The Augusta House of…

  • Baconation I Salute You

    Bacon holds up on the claim that Foldgers Crystals does not. Bacon is always good to the last drop. It doesn’t matter how it’s cooked…or isnt, it’s always good. Take this bacon briefcase you see above. You know what I see up there. I see someone successful, I see someone established. Screw the leather, why…

  • An Exhibit of Xzibit being Exhibited in a Exhibit

    A few months ago I was shown this… Which made me roflcopter all over the place. I had no idea there were so many of these though. Which is why I have to share! No I didn’t make these, just Google image Xibit. Yeah betch! What’s in your Exhibit? I found this one more creepy…