Category: My Rants

  • Voting: Complete

    It’s election day. A day we get to vote on who is going to lead us and our country into the future. Hopefully you already voted…you didn’t?…..I’ll wait……… Just think, it was four years ago when most of America made one of the worst decisions for this country, and look how we’ve paid for it.…

  • Rapid Testing

    So I’m on my way to The Burren, one of my favorite bars in Davis Square when I see this sign in the window of a building next to the parking lot. I just feel something like this should warrant a larger sign, or no sign at all. That was all I had to say…

  • Go Fly A Kite

    It was a semi warm fall day this Sunday. I was on my way to the IKEA in Stoughton when I came upon something horrifically terrifying. I peer over the lanes of traffic to see a massive flying cat….(I feel like there’s a good pigs flying joke somewhere in there but I don’t feel like…

  • In Pain

    As you can see this image above was before the full amount of damage was done. All the yelling in the world at the TV wont stop this bleeding. Either way there is still one more game, and maybe they will actually win it. Sorry to all you die hard fans, I love the sox…

  • Watch Your Widgets

    Above is a cap of the widgets I have on my Dashboard. Every once in a while I notice one of my widgets willdisappearfor no reason. So I replace it not really thinking anything of it. This has happened a few times over the past seven months. I’ve also noticed my Dashboard has been taking…