Watch Your Widgets

Above is a cap of the widgets I have on my Dashboard. Every once in a while I notice one of my widgets willdisappearfor no reason. So I replace it not really thinking anything of it. This has happened a few times over the past seven months. I’ve also noticed my Dashboard has been taking longer to load and update when I lunch it. I had no idea what the problem was. I don’t have that many widgets loading, and although I have a second monitor, I don’t put any on it.

Today I had to move my desk. I don’t mind but I have a lot that needs to move. So when I setup my new station I had to place my second monitor on the other side of my laptop. I configure my monitor placement and this is what I find.

Apparently my missing widgets were being moved to a monitor I never had. After cleaning up all 23 instances of Earth and three gmail replicas there was anoticeableboost in my Dashboard performance, along with more open ram.

Have you noticed widgetsdisappearing? Drag an external monitor around and see if they’re hiding.






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