Voting: Complete

It’s election day. A day we get to vote on who is going to lead us and our country into the future. Hopefully you already voted…you didn’t?…..I’ll wait……… Just think, it was four years ago when most of America made one of the worst decisions for this country, and look how we’ve paid for it. I hope everyone has smartened up.

I’m sorry to seem like I’m bashing the Republican party…but you really dropped the ball, and to be honest I don’t think you deserve it this round. As you can see in my blurry photo I have casted a vote for Obama and Biden. Sure it’s a predictable path for a young Democrat but I would vote for a Republican, if there was one worth the vote. I don’t agree with all of Obama’s standings, I feel that taxing businesses that pull in $250,000 is a bit of a punch. To a business, that is next to nothing when you look at the net gain. What I do see in Obama is a leader. Someone who says they are for the people, and are actually for the people. Someone that would be respected in other countries who can bring America into a better light.

I feel McCain would be up for the job. I feel he would have done okay as the president, but in the times we are in now, we can’t float along anymore. We need someone who is looking to make changes and hopefully put some morale in our economy. Plus Palin frightens me. A lot of people say they like her because she is like the average person with an average education who is more like a friend than someone in power……To be honest, if I’m going to vote for someone, I want them to seem like they are better than me. I want someone who is confident, smart, and very observant. I have really good friends….and I don’t want any of them to have the nuclear codes. You may be voting for eye candy, but nothing seems to be going on upstairs.






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