Category: My Rants

  • For The Birds

    So the other day while leaving work I saw NOTHING BUT BIRDS! Hundreds of them just flying around the area like locusts. It was pretty cool to watch until they flew over head. Luckily I was spared however my car was not. I can’t help but think the Matrix Revolutions when I watch this. If…

  • Kimball Farm | Company Outing

    We had our company outing at Kimball Farm this year and it was pretty kickass. Above is a picture from the balloon ride just after sunset. The place is pretty cool, they serve food and beer. They also have a driving range and beer, a pitch and putt, a mini golf course, small animal farm,…

  • Canadian Vacation Pt .2

    So I feel my last post didn’t do much justice on my vacation to Canada so i figured I’d post some more pictures and a couple more videos. I still don’t feel like this does justice. Like I said before you should go get your passport and get your ass to Mars…I mean Canada. The…

  • Canadian Vacation

    Earlier this month I went to Canada with a few friends and I will say I had an awesome time. We stayed in Montreal at the Hotel Du Fort right off of Saint Catherine. The hotel was great, we were up on the 17th floor with a great view of the city. We spent most…

  • Baconation I Salute You

    Bacon holds up on the claim that Foldgers Crystals does not. Bacon is always good to the last drop. It doesn’t matter how it’s cooked…or isnt, it’s always good. Take this bacon briefcase you see above. You know what I see up there. I see someone successful, I see someone established. Screw the leather, why…