Tag: house

  • The Stars Overlook The House



    One of the things I was looking forward to in homeownership was to yell get off my lawn at someone or something. I finally had that chance and was able to capture it on video. Enjoy. GET OFF MY LAWN! from Chris Carroll on Vimeo.

  • Ridiculous Pictures on My iPhone

    This frame sold by Bernie and Phyl’s seems so angry. I’m just not sure why. ————————————— LOOK!!! PORN!! In a junkyard that got caught up in a car fire! ————————————— No, I don’t want a lick. Great gift for grandma! ————————————— 32″ Pirate TV Yarrr ————————————— One of the God awful kitchens in a house…

  • Long Time No Post & Black Friday

    Yes it’s been well over a month since I’ve made a post. I’ve had a crazy November and just haven’t had the time. I haven’t had the time because….I BOUGHT A HOUSE! Look at the picture above, isn’t it so beautiful? Okay, thats not the house, but I really did buy one. It was a…

  • My Trip To Maine and AHOP

    Trip To Maine from Chris Carroll on Vimeo. This ain’t no stinkin’ IHOP. I said AHOP damnit! Erin, Steph, Greg and I were in Maine for Ashley and Ben’s wedding which was beautiful. We stayed at the Senator Inn which was decent. But this isn’t about that. This is about AHOP. The Augusta House of…