Long Time No Post & Black Friday


Yes it’s been well over a month since I’ve made a post. I’ve had a crazy November and just haven’t had the time. I haven’t had the time because….I BOUGHT A HOUSE! Look at the picture above, isn’t it so beautiful? Okay, thats not the house, but I really did buy one. It was a crazy process which started in September but really took off in November. So my closing is January 8th and hopefully I’ll have more time now instead of looking at so many damn houses. I’m sure there is a video to come from that.

Thanksgiving weekend was offing awesome. Got fat on Thursday with the family, got up at 4 on Friday for the Black Friday deals, (yes Erin and I are Crazy) and went barhopping in NY on Saturday night. The Video below is from Black Friday, the NY Video is still to come.

I BOUGHT A WASHER AND DRYER for my house. I’m so old now it’s disgusting!

Black Friday 09 from Chris Carroll on Vimeo.





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