Tag: day

  • Some Neighborhood Fireworks

    Neighborhood Fireworks from Chris Carroll on Vimeo. Someone a few blocks over setting off fireworks last night. Pretty good!

  • Welcome To Earth

    On my way home from work yesterday I noticed the sky looked like one of the space ships from Independence Day was breaking through the clouds. We’ll I’m really starting to get into my Canon Rebel. Feel free to download a High Rez Here.

  • Das Keyboard

    Yes, it’s called Das Keyboard, and yes I have one, and why yes now that you ask my awesome girlfriend had bought it for me for Valentines Day. — No, not last year, for this year….2011! — Yes, I know it isn’t Valentines Day yet but she gave it to me early. — Well I…

  • Amazon Wants My Mom Back In The Kitchen

    I just got this email today for Mothers Day Gift Ideas. Apparently Amazon.com thinks my Mom needs to cook, bake, sew, sit, and stab more. What do you think?

  • Independence Day Fireworks

    Independence Day Fireworks 09 from Chris Carroll on Vimeo. For those of you who didn’t make it or who just want to watch more fireworks, you can watch the 45 minute show my family and neighbors did compressed into seven minutes. About 40 people came out along with @eggshell, @starmusica and @mrnorth. Not bad for…