Category: My Rants

  • Animation Created – Awkward

    So Youtube has partnered with a few outside parties, Stupeflix, Xtranormal and GoAnimate to help you create video animations just by updating a script with text and choosing your characters. You can mess around with this yourself at Here is what I got to make….Awkward!

  • Disconnected

    Freedom and I were playing Starcraft II in my office. We were about to make an attack when his computer froze. Here is a reenactment and of course this applies to just about any online game when you suddenly disconnect. By the way, even though Freedom dropped, we won. Maybe video coming soon? Maybe video…

  • Testing The Alarm

    Before going on vacation it’s always good to make sure the alarm is working properly. Testing The Alarm from Chris Carroll on Vimeo.

  • Das Keyboard

    Yes, it’s called Das Keyboard, and yes I have one, and why yes now that you ask my awesome girlfriend had bought it for me for Valentines Day. — No, not last year, for this year….2011! — Yes, I know it isn’t Valentines Day yet but she gave it to me early. — Well I…

  • Freedom Left Me A Voicemail

    Freedom Left Me A Voicemail from Chris Carroll on Vimeo.