Category: My Rants

  • Baking A Song

    So I’ve downloaded the Symphony Orchestra Jampack for GarageBand. I spent a few hours writing some music last night and ended up with what I have in the sidebar. It’s actually a song I wrote earlier this year but now I was able to bring in some cello and French horns with the new addition.…

  • Save Money

    I don’t remember getting this memo, but apparently you can save money at the registry by making your own plates. Now I can make my car say whatever I want! I really wonder if the driver of this car really has an argument when they get pulled over. Even if the plate was stolen this…

  • What The Hell Have You Been Doing?

    So if you can’t tell I’ve really been neglecting my blog. I know, I’m sorry Mom. (I know your the only one who reads it anyway.) I’ve just been crazy busy with work. A lot has gone on and the problem is I never seem to have my camera on me anymore. Well some of…

  • Big Yellow Taste

    Now I would have to say I am a fan of flavor. Then again I don’t think I have run into anyone who likes bland tasteless food. In fact I don’t think there are….but I’ve been wrong before. So that’s why I eat Pops! Of all the colors I like to eat I would have…

  • Jesus Saves

    So I was driving through Medford Square with MACEFACE and came across this. I’ve heard of doing your own tuneups and maintenance but this is just some MacGyver shit.