Category: My Rants

  • Late Night At Work

    Late night coffee while I’m stuck at work. It seems like these issues wait till five o’clock to kick off. I’m actually writing this post as more of a test. I’m using the new WordPress application for the iPhone. Strange there wasn’t an update released for the first app, they just released a completely new…

  • If You Were A Fist Punching Doug

    This is what it would look like if you were a fist punching Doug. Punching Doug from Chris Carroll on Vimeo.

  • Ridiculous Pictures on My iPhone

    This frame sold by Bernie and Phyl’s seems so angry. I’m just not sure why. ————————————— LOOK!!! PORN!! In a junkyard that got caught up in a car fire! ————————————— No, I don’t want a lick. Great gift for grandma! ————————————— 32″ Pirate TV Yarrr ————————————— One of the God awful kitchens in a house…

  • A Carroll Christmas

    Shot and edited in less than an hour. Watch my twin brother and I trade gifts. A Carroll Christmas from Chris Carroll on Vimeo.

  • Chug For Jugs – A Final Encore

    Thanks again for everyone who made it to Chugs for Jugs. It was an awesome time, we raised over 00 for the cause. A special thanks to everyone to helped throw everything together and to everyone who donated. I’d say more but it’s best to let the video do the talking. Chug For Jugs from…