Late Night At Work

Late night coffee while I’m stuck at work. It seems like these issues wait till five o’clock to kick off. I’m actually writing this post as more of a test. I’m using the new WordPress application for the iPhone. Strange there wasn’t an update released for the first app, they just released a completely new one. The interface seems nicer but hey it’s free so anything is better than nothing. Something @msmamet said to me a while ago. People will complain more when something that’s free or cheap doesn’t work opposed to when something that’s expensive won’t. I know that sounds odd but it’s if you think about it, it’s easy for someone to spend a dollar on something that doesn’t work, bitch about it sucking and forget about the dollar. But if someone spends 0 on something that doesn’t work, their more willing to spend the time to troubleshoot. I guess it could be because people feel they made an investment they’ll work with when they spend more money. Or I feel it could be human natural reaction to not look stupid. If you go blowing 0 on something that doesn’t work. The last think you want is to look like a moron who just blew 0. You might even find yourself defending what you bought even if it’s a piece of crap just to avoid looking stupid, which in turn makes you look dumber. What @msmamet and I are targetting at the time were iPhone apps. If you develop paid apps, you should concider what you charge. I not saying charge $100, but you may not want to release it for only a dollar. Then again, it’s late, I’m at work and I could just be losing it from a lack of sleep.

You decide, and what do you think?






One response to “Late Night At Work”

  1. Blurper Avatar

    Dude I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. I remember this one time when I had coffee. I put cream and sugar in it but it was still hot. The great thing about it was that it helped me to stay awake for a while. Falling asleep is a huge problem when you’re trying to stay awake, you know?

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