Tag: twitter

  • Rattlesnake Rooftop Tweetup

    Of course someone as amazing and cool as me went to the Rattlesnake Rooftop Tweetup (#roofup). I mean, look at my picture above. You can’t argue with those glasses. Well past that, two bars upstairs, one inside one out, and great weather. Mega high five to @sarahmerion for throwing this together. I have no idea…

  • Mein Kampfy Tweets

    I was browsing through some household names on twitter. Bush, Cheney, Paul McCartney, Chris Farley, when I came across this. I just had to share!

  • Twitter Addiction

    So I’ve fallen into a twitter addiction. Micro blogging as it is called limiting you to 140 characters an update. When I first heard of it I thought it was pointless, but now that I actually use it, it has become a small addiction. Kind of like tattoos. (Of which I got one last Friday,…