iPhone – 10 Pin Shuffle


If you have an iPhone or iTouch and remotely like bowling then you need to download this game. 10 Pin Shuffle combines shuffle board and bowling into one and two awesome games. It’s one of those games that are so simple you just can’t stop playing it. It comes with two game modes; bowling and shuffle board. I never knew I liked shuffle board! And since I like it, you know it has to be awesome. The graphics are impressive for a bowling game and it’s multiplayer! And I mean real multiplayer, not the whole no network no game thing. You can chose to link via wifi and bluetooth. The game goes for $1.99 and like I’ve said its completely worth it. The only gotcha I can see is there may be some chop when playing multiplayer and you can only play with up to two people so don’t go thinking you can have a third join your game you damn hippy!





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