One Missed Call

Which should be titled “One Movie You Should Miss.” One Missed Call

I can’t say this movie was a letdown since I didn’t expect much from it anyway. This was a mash-up between The Ring and The Grudge. The logic the characters use in this movie makes no sense. Apparently if someone burns to death in a hospital logically they will make their way into the phone systems. The acting was sub par and the cast just didn’t do it for me. The movie was PG-13 and that alone was a letdown. I still never understood why no one tried to answer the actual call instead of letting it go to voicemail. And what’s with all these antagonist’s havingrespiratoryproblems, from the Ring to the Grudge to One Missed Call. I smoke and I don’t sound like this. Get these people ahumidifier.

Over all the movie gets a SUCK. Not even worth matinee.






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