I Ordered A Pizza From Providence RI


Here’s how last nights dinner went…

It was nice out, defrost and grill some burgers. (7PM)

I dropped the burgers.

Defrosted two more burgers.

After closer inspection they looked like they expired.

Threw them out, ordered a pizza (8:15PM)

(8:45PM) Got a call from the delivery guy. Can’t find my house. Said they were on my street but couldn’t find my house number. I told them I’d step outside, he then asked if I was up in North Providence….

I hung up. I had no idea what to do. The only thing I could say was “I just ordered a pizza from fucking Providence!” Erin keeps laughing at me.

(8:50PM) I call the delivery guy back. Told him I had the wrong pizza place. He was very chill about it and thought it was pretty funny himself. I told him I’d at least pay for the pizza but he gave me a refund. (That guy is awesome!)

(9PM) Ordered a pizza inMassachusetts.

(9:45) Pizza arrives. Pizza was good. Then watched the movie The Social Network.

Good Movie, long night.


Image From – Preston Pizza Delivery







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