Cruise To Bermuda 2010

Falcon Pier

Here is a video from Erin and my trip to Bermuda. We got to go with Jason and Krystina and it was an awesome time. So far this was the second time Erin and I have been on this boat. Bermuda was beautiful and it was mega easy to sneak liquor onto the ship, which I suggest because is for a six of beer. We got to go to the Frog & Onion Pub in Kings Wharf along with hitting Horseshoe Bay. The boat ride was great except for the few heavy waves from Hurricane Danielle. Nothing but good weather on the island. Enjoy the video below. I think you can see Jason if you look closely enough in the lineup at the end….just saying!

Cruise To Bermuda 2010 from Chris Carroll on Vimeo.

Oh….and I also bought this.







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