Category: My Rants

  • Arlington Traffic

    Driving into work today I noticed this passing through Arlington. I guess a truck or a car with a lot of stuff on the roof came though here. Either way when you pass under it you can clearly see it’s a matter of time before it falls off. I just hope I’m not under it…

  • Party Hard At The Office

    This is a video Greg and I had put together a few months ago. I know it’s been up for a while but I figured I’d post it here too. So far with over 2,000 views and five stars I feel we made a good video…..enjoy!

  • Weekend Snow

    Late last Sunday we got a lot of snow which gave me the opportunity on Monday to work from home. I think we got about six inches of snow which isn’t really that much but it was very heavy, as you can see from the picture below, a tree I park under was weighed down…

  • Ending Music

    One Sunday a few weeks ago I stumbled into a song. I thought it sounded good so I spent a couple hours setting up some mics and I put a rough mix together. Although it’s far from perfect I’m happy with how it came out. I still have a lot of work left on it…

  • Apple Keynote

    I have a feeling I’m not the only person that can say they were a littledisappointedwith the latest Apple keynote. Well I guess I can say I’m more than a little. I’m very surprised that they released the eight core Mac Pro and new X-Servers last week with them knowing this is all they had…