Category: My Rants

  • Saugus Loves Their Children

    So I guess cities that don’t have this sign are encouraging reckless driving and the potential harm to city children. I feel like the people who come up with these signs are the same people who thought the No Drug Zone signs would actually keep drug dealers out of your city.

  • I Wish It Were Wednesday

    As you can see above I’m greatly upset that it is not Wednesday. To be honest I don’t know what this place is but I have a feeling its a male strip joint…and I need to make some extra cash too! Howconvenient!

  • Flat Tire

    Let’s say I were to make the following statement, “Flat Tires Suck.” I feel not many people would disagree with me. I do however feel that not putting on your emergency brake while your changing one is not a smart move. This might dawn on you at one of two moments. Putting your car in…

  • On My Drive

    On my drive into work I saw another interesting sight. I nice yellow Volkswagen Bugwith a small problem with the back window. I was thinking of saying something but I had a feeling I would get a Bill Engvall, “Heres Your Sign.” I still think it’s odd to leave all the broken glass just hanging…

  • Ticket Master Skeet

    So I like the Foo Fighters. I decided to see if I can get tickets for their February show at the DCU Center in Worchester. Sadly snough I wasn’t able to secure tickets however I came across this from the Ticket Master website. I feel I must share!