Category: My Rants

  • Android

    Tomorrow marks the release of the new Google open source phone OS called android. Gizmodowill be running a live blog on the event. They are running the release with T-Mobile, which is making me worried that I switched to AT&T for an iPhone. Apple, don’t let me down…..Oh Apple, you know I’d never leave you.

  • Who is a Rock Star?

    I’m a fuckin rock star

  • Apple Keynote

    I’m not going to lie, this keynote really didn’t do much for me. All I’m really looking forward to is the new iPhone update since the battery life is a joke. Hopefully they deliver on greatly improving that. I’m starting to get sick of the iPod. I guess it’s cool to have multiple colors you…

  • We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

    Or not, looks like it’s under control. A few weeks ago we were hit by a tremendous downpour. I was out in western Mass when I saw this on by way back to Boston from Route 2. Once I hit the city, I couldn’t travel about 30 without being blind from all the rain. On…


    As I’m cruising I was presented with this awesome new concept to the Fire Extinguisher. Like a grenade launcher, this device will lob CO2 capsules into a fire from a distance. I just want to use it to recreate the tear gas scene in Terminator 2 when Arnie is nailing people with the canister…