Category: My Rants

  • Makes Me Laugh

    Now I don’t mean jumping on a ROFLCopter or anything but just those small things that you look at from time to time and give a little laugh. Like recommending clothes I should buy. I NEED THE FLAG PANTS! Or searching around on Bing’s map features and finding the the best color for a…

  • Independence Day Fireworks

    Independence Day Fireworks 09 from Chris Carroll on Vimeo. For those of you who didn’t make it or who just want to watch more fireworks, you can watch the 45 minute show my family and neighbors did compressed into seven minutes. About 40 people came out along with @eggshell, @starmusica and @mrnorth. Not bad for…

  • New England Rain, Day 15

    So this is about the 15th straight day of rain and I have a feeling this might just carry straight into Fall. At this point I’m fine with that, although maybe I’ll move to Florida. Apparently, according to my iPhone app, it never rains in Northern Florida! Orlando, Tampa, you know all the good…

  • Rattlesnake Rooftop Tweetup

    Of course someone as amazing and cool as me went to the Rattlesnake Rooftop Tweetup (#roofup). I mean, look at my picture above. You can’t argue with those glasses. Well past that, two bars upstairs, one inside one out, and great weather. Mega high five to @sarahmerion for throwing this together. I have no idea…

  • Drunk Dial Netflix

    I can safely say that everyone has had at least one of those nights where you just end up drinking way too much. Next morning comes rolling around and while you and your friends are driving to an IHOP or Dunkins you get to relive every absolute stupid thing you said and or did the…