Category: My Rants

  • My Trip To Maine and AHOP

    Trip To Maine from Chris Carroll on Vimeo. This ain’t no stinkin’ IHOP. I said AHOP damnit! Erin, Steph, Greg and I were in Maine for Ashley and Ben’s wedding which was beautiful. We stayed at the Senator Inn which was decent. But this isn’t about that. This is about AHOP. The Augusta House of…

  • Nobody Cares About Your Cat

    A little really can go a long way. I started blogging because I’m very opinionated and feel I should bless everyone with my words. Above are my stats from the beginning of the year to three weeks into September. I really started blogging back in 2003 but I never devoted any time to it nor…

  • Day At The Museum

    The Museum of Science from Chris Carroll on Vimeo. So I’m a little indifferent with the Science Museum. There is a lot of good stuff in there but it’s just way too expensive to go. $20 per adult and the amazing discounted child price of $17. Wooo! I’m practically stealing the science at that price!…

  • We Are Scientists @ The Middle East

    When you’re awesome like me sometimes it takes a while to make posts because of how much awesome stuff I’m doing. Finally I have a chance to post about the We Are Scientists show Greg and I went to on July 30th at the Middle East in Cambridge. Always a good place to catch a…

  • German Coast Guard

    Something Erin had showed me yesterday that I can’t stop laughing about. It’s an ad for a foreign language learning company called Berlitz. Enjoy! Unable to load video player. This is likely because the player is outside a Flash-enabled browser or the necessary version of Flash is not installed.